Section 4 Review on Page 210

Summarize the flow of genetic information. It flows from DNA to mRNA to ribosome to protein.

List  four ways in which the structure of RNA differs from that of DNA.
  • DNA has the bases adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine.
    RNA has the bases adenine, uracil, guanine, cytosine.
  • DNA has sugar deoxiribose.
  • RNA has sugar ribose.
  • DNA is double stranded.
  • RNA is single stranded. 
  • DNA can duplicate itself
  • RNA cannot. 
Describe the structure and function of each of the three types of RNA. 
  • RNA: carries the genetic information
  • tRNA: brings amino acids to ribosomes during protein synthesis 
  • rRNA: guides the translation of mRNA into a protein
Sequence the main steps of transcription.
  • The two DNA strands are unwind and separated by the RNA polymerase. 
  • The complementary nucleotides are added.
  • The DNA and the new RNA are released by the polymerase.
What is the genetic code? The genetic code is the set of rules by which information in the genetic material is translated into proteins.

Compare the roles of the three different types of RNA during translation.
  • rRNA- make up the ribosomes that play an essential role in the transcription of DNA. 
  • mRNA- bring selected segments of DNA copies to ribosomes to be transcripted. 
  • tRNA- bring anti-codons to ribosomes so that amino acids can be created.