Photo 51 Movie

List at least three things you know about DNA.

  • There are chromosomes
  • There are chromatids
  • It defines you. 
Who are James Watson and Francis Crick, and what is their claim to fame? They are scientists. They discovered DNA and it's structure.

How does James Watson characterize Rosalin Franklin in his book, The Double HelixHe characterizes her as terrible, bad tempered, and something like a villain

Describe Rosalind Franklin's early years and tell what she was like. How did she end up with a career in science? She was born in London., and she had a rich family. She enjoyed memory games; she was very smart. She studied biochemistry at Cambridge University.

What is X-ray crystallography, and how does Franklin use it to learn about the structure of molecules? X-ray crystallography enlarges molecules into photographs.

What are some of the other scientific contributions made by Franklin? She was the first person to see he double helix. 

What is DNA and why was it important to learn abut it structure? DNA carries you genetics. It is important to learn about it's structure because we can use it to cure diseases, and mutations.

Describe Franklin's working conditions at King's College in the 1959's. How did she get a long with Wilkins? She worked in war stricken offices, they were in bad condition. She didn't get along with Wilkins very well, they both stressed each other out. 

How did Watson and Crick end up working together? They met at Cambridge University.

What did Franklin discover about the structure of DNA, and how did she figure it out? She found out that there were two forms of DNA by taking x-ray images of it.

What is Photo 51, and why was it so important? It was the sharpest image yet of B. 

What did Watson, Crick, and Wilkins learn from Photo 51? They learned that each DNA had two strands. 

How and why was Franklin excluded from the discovery of DNA. This happened because Watson and Crick claimed her discoveries and ideas were theirs.

What eventually happened to Rosalin Franklin? She died of cancer, possibly because of her exposure to radiation.

If Franklin had lived, do you think she, instead of Wilkins, would have recieved the Nobel Prize with Watson and Crick? Yes.

Franklin would be over 80 years old now if she had lived. What other things do you think she might have accomplished in her career? She would possibly have learned more about enzymatic reactions, and maybe even stem cells!